A rare antique Russian Orthodox icon of Mother Of God Burning Bush. Hand painted in egg tempera on a gessoed wood panel. Inscribed in Church Slavic. The verso with the old Sothebys Park Bernet label. Circa the late 18th century or early 19th century. An ancient Unburnt Bush Icon shows a bush engulfed in flames. The Virgin, with her Child in her arms, is seen above the Bush. This image is rare. Later Icons depict an octagonal star with the Mother of God in the center with a circle of Cherubim around her. She is shown holding Jacobs Ladder, for she calls us to ascend from Earth to Heaven. Sometimes the gate and the rod are depicted as symbols of the Savior, Who in Church hymns is called a rod from the root of Jesse. Antique Russian Religious Items and Collectibles.
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