An ancient early Roman moulded terracotta pottery oil lamp, known as a slipper lamp. The body of the lamp is adorned with a relief design representing a standing figure with wings on the top. The lamp is decorated with a raised circle nozzle top and a raised handle. Lamps such as this one are occasionally known as animal head lamps, due to the appearance of the knob on the handle. Its basic function was to provide light through the oil in the tank and the wick that was located in the rostrum. It was also used as a votive and funerary element. Circa: 100 to 300 AD. Ancient and Antique Roman and Byzantine Empire Terracotta and Ceramic Oil Lamps, Museum Pieces, and Historical Artifacts, and Collectibles.
LOT CONDITION & DESCRIPTION: All items are sold "as is". The auction house does not warrant authenticity on any specific piece. THERE ARE NO RETURNS. We can only offer an opinion and the material facts about the item. It is up to the buyer to determine authenticity before bidding and purchasing an item. If we state facts about gold or silver content or weight, it is sold as fact...
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